architect – graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology in 1994. He has worked for JEMS since 1999. Participated in the following projects: Hoover Square, Madalinskiego, Nowy Swiat.
architect – graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology in 2012. He has worked for JEMS since 2013. Participated in the following projects: Nowy Świat, LPP campus competition, Gdynia Waterfront II competiiton, Warsaw Brewery.
architect – graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology in 1995. He has worked for JEMS since 2003. Participated in the project 19th district, Royal Wilanow. He is a mamber of the Board of JEMS Architekci Office.
architect – graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of Warsaw University of Technology in 2016. He has worked for JEMS since 2015. Leading architect of Solna 6 and Wrocław Traugutta projects.
architect – graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology in 2003, completed a one-year scholarship at the Technische Universitat Darmstadt. She has worked for JEMS since 2004. Participated in the following projects: Palm house, Raczynski Library, Polish Embassy in Berlin.
architect – graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology in 2015. Studied at the KU Leuven Camus Sint- Lucas Ghent. She has worked for JEMS since 2014. Participated in the following projects: PURO Hotel, Hotel Vienna House in P4, Koszyki Market Hall, Kondratowicza. Leading architect of the BGK project.
architect – graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology in 2004. She has worked for JEMS since 2007. Participated in the following projects: ASP, 17 Stycznia, Koszyki Market Hall, leading architect of the LPP project. Member of the council and team for training at the Mazovia District Board of Architects
architect – graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology in 2000. He has worked for JEMS since 2002. Participated in the following projects: Stryjenskich, Trio, P4.
architect – graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology in 2012 and has since worked for JEMS. Participated in the following projects: Lektykarska, Magazynowa, Koszyki Market Hall, Rajska, Warsaw Brewery.
architect – graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology in 2015. She has worked for JEMS since 2014. Participated in the following projects: LPP Campus, Wilson Park, Warsaw Brewery, University of Warsaw Psychology Department Building, Planet Lem, Young City Gdynia, leading architect of Apatments building in Warsaw Brewery.
architect – graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology in 1995. She has worked for JEMS since 1998. Participated in the following projects:: JEMS headquarters, Hose in Konstancin, Polish Embassy in Berlin. She is a mamber of the Board of JEMS Architekci Office.
architect – graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology. She has worked for JEMS since 2007. Participated in the following projects: Zieleniak, Magazynowa, 19. Dzielnica etap II, kampus firmy LPP, Browary Warszawskie.